Useful Links
Electronics Authorised Directory
The Electronics Authorised Directory is an online resource created through the endorsement of the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) Anti-Counterfeit Task Force. It is a worldwide resource that lists every authorized distributor of a semiconductor according to original manufacturer and country.
Electronic Resellers Association International (ERAI)
ERAI is a privately held global information services organization that monitors, investigates and reports issues that are affecting the global supply chain of electronics.
The ERAI High-Risk Parts Database gives members access to the industry's most comprehensive list of known problem parts.
Alliance for Grey Market and Counterfeit Abatement (AGMA)
A strategic initiative composed of leading high technology companies committed to mitigating gray market fraud and counterfeit trade of high technology products by implementing brand protection practices and controls that render the movement of unauthorized technology products difficult, undesirable and unprofitable. AGMA membership is fee based.
Anti-Counterfeiting Forum UKEA
The UKEA is a consortium of ten of the leading UK trade associations representing the electronics sector, whose primary purpose is to assist and coordinate discussion on cross cutting issues across the sector and, where appropriate, coordinate action on behalf of the sector including acting as a two way communication channel between the sector and Government departments and agencies. Basic access is free and this includes access to the suspected counterfeit parts database. Help your industry by logging suspected counterfeit parts on the UK Electronics Alliance (UKEA) database.