Further Developments

In the ChipCheck project different X-ray inspection techniques were investigated. AP2K are developing new X-ray inspection technology to facilitate faster and cheaper inspection of electronics including counterfeit electronic components. Under the project work carried out in ChipCheck, AP2K have developed a prototype system using a linear array X-ray detector. The concept is shown below:


  • Big scan area. Imaging width is currently 200mm. Imaging length user selectable
  • Cheap compared to other commercial X-ray inspection equipment
  • Image pixel size 27µm and 18µm
  • Scan speed 2 cm/sec

PCI board partial (5 cm x 3.5 cm) image (top) and a zoomed ICs die and bonding wires image of it (right) . Scanning Speed: 2 cm/sec , Magnification: X2, Image pixel size: 27 microns, X-Ray parameters: 70kV/110uA.

Please notice the various internal broken or unconnected bonding wires revealed in the IC !

The work undertaken by AP2K partner has been partially financed by the Romanian Ministry of National Education R&D grant 194EU/22.10.2012

For more information please contact AP2K.